Find a girlfriend, they said. It will be fun, they said. However, they forgot to mention how hard the process would be. Finding a girlfriend in this age and era is like striking gold in your backyard.
Many may argue that there are plenty of fish in the dating sea and the dating pool is wider than ever, but finding a like-minded partner has never been harder. If you are stuck in the same whirlpool, here are some of the top places where you can look for your future girlfriend.
8 Good Places Where You Might find The Girl of Your Dreams

1. Gym
If you are a fitness fanatic, wouldn’t you love a girl with the same passion for a healthy body? Well, if this is what you want, your local gym would be the perfect place to start. Although, bear in mind that not all females go to the gym to find love connections.
Join a fitness class at your gym where you know all the girls go. Try to stay on friendly terms with all members. Stay back a little while or come a bit early; these are the two times when you will get enough time to interact with other members of the fitness class.
Look interested and approachable, keep your game face on and never use your headphones in the gym. Headphones make you seem unapproachable, like carrying the ‘do not disturb’ sign around your neck.
2. Work
Your job may not be the best place for casual encounters, but anything is possible. Most workplaces allow coworkers to date. However, it’s better to check company policies. For example, if you work field jobs like hospitality, service, food industries, decor, and such, you will come in contact with a ton of people daily.
Have a polite and impressive demeanor when interacting with clients; this not only gives your business a better reputation but also impresses the ladies out there.
A word of caution, dating at work can become awkward when you start crushing on your superior or employees under you. Ensure you stay away from everyone directly above you or under you.
3. College
Your college campus can be one of the best places to find your girl. Joining study groups, clubs, and other social settings. These are the best places to find girls to date. Always dress appropriately, use a consistent scent that is not too overpowering, and try to be as helpful as possible if you are in a study group.
You never know; your crush might ask you to tutor her. This can be her move to interest you; the ball will be in your court then.
4. Local Clubs and Bars
Apart from work and college, the bar is the perfect place to find your next girlfriend. This is one setting where females come to have fun and also find love connections. Hooking up at a bar is the most common thing. Most love stories started in such places.
Your local cafes and clubs are not only great places to hang out but are also the ideal setups for finding a girl to date. You will find the club filled with single ladies.
Lock eyes with the girl you like, pass a smile or raise your drink if she maintains eye contact. Approach only if she smiles back. Her positive response will tell you if she is interested in talking to you or not.
5. Group Hangouts
If you have a group of friends that you hang out with, you can use that to find yourself a girlfriend. Let your friends know what kind of girl you are looking for. Group hangouts like such are great opportunities to meet new people and maybe find the love of your life.
6. Parks
Do you hang out at your local park or go for a daily run? If you don’t already, now is the time to start. Parks are great places to approach women, but a word to the wise, never approach women in a park at night. Also, make sure you are surrounded by people before approaching a woman, so she feels safe and comfortable. Try to approach her with full confidence so you don’t come across as a creep.
7. Church
The church may not be the best place to look for a girlfriend, but if you are looking for a practicing Christian like yourself, this may be the perfect place. You can even ask your community to look for a girl for you; that might work as well.
8. Coffee Shop
Single girls like to hang out at coffee shops, and most fo the time, they are either with friends or alone. A few of them are there for the same reason as you are. If you like someone at the coffee shop, there are many ways to approach them.
You can ask to share their table, ask them about coffee, pretend that you are a noob at ordering coffee, and ask if they can order for you. If she has a book or a laptop, you can use that as a conversation starter.
If she is done with her coffee, you can offer to order her more. This will impress her for sure. As you get up after a little chat, you can give her your number and ask her to call you when she is having coffee alone the next time.
You have played your card; now the ball is in her court. If she is interested, she will definitely give you a call for a coffee date.
3 Worse Places to Find A Girlfriend

Most people may not think much of these, but there are tons of worse places to look for a girl. A girl wouldn’t like to be approached by a total stranger at a funeral with a cheesy pickup line. So, before you make a mistake, here are some of the worse places to approach a girl and ask her out.
1. Public Or Private Transport
Would you believe that cab drivers often as their passengers out while on the job? Well, this isn’t uncommon, but certainly wrong. Women don’t take private transport to be harassed by their drivers.
Similarly, public transport like buses and subways aren’t excellent for pickup girls either. For one, you may seem like a creep, and no girl would take you seriously. For another, these women have long commutes; they will never say yes when they are tired and sweaty, going home from a hard day at work. Beware, and rethink your actions before approaching a girl on public or private transport.
2. At The Hospital
Hitting on your nurse while getting examined by her is a big NO. some of you may be thinking, who does that? But this, too, is very common. A hospital can never be a comfortable place to find a girlfriend.
3. At A Funeral
Well, this one is a no-brainer, but since it’s been done, we need to put it out there again. Have some respect for the dead, and leave the mourning relatives be. You will find your girlfriend sooner or later, just not at someone’s funeral.
3 Best Dating Sites Ideal For Love Connections

If the traditional ways of finding a girlfriend don’t work, here are some of the best dating sites that can help you find a girl in no time.
1. eHarmony
Eharmony is for you if you want a long-term and serious relationship. If it’s a casual one you need, this may not be the most suitable app for you. This app focuses on compatibility. As per the data collected in 2018, the app is responsible for 4% of marriages in the USA; would you believe that?
The app asks you to take a compatibility quiz. You do need to take this one seriously if you’re looking for the right partner because the app takes your answers pretty seriously. Eharmony is all about finding you the right partner, so take your time when filling out the questionnaire.
2. has one of the biggest user-bases among all dating apps. This app is for both casual and serious relationships. With a huge variety of girls, you have all the options in the world to explore and choose from.
The app has been there since 1995, so it’s been perfected over time. The database and algorithms are made to find the perfect match for you as per your right and left swipes.
There are no lengthy questionnaires, so you can have a quick sign-up without sharing personal information. With no personal information, you can keep your relationship casual and reveal as much or as little as you want, as per your preference.
You can even dictate to the app the kind of girl you want to be matched with; for example, if you aren’t keeping on a girl who smokes, but it’s not a deal breaker, the app will show you wider options. But if smoking is a hard no, the app won’t show you girls who smoke.
You can keep your data from being shared; just read the app’s privacy policy before signing up.
3. Tinder may be the oldest, but no app can beat Tinder when it comes to popularity. It’s one of the most sought apps for all generations, even millennials. Tinder also has a user-friendly interface that makes it even more popular because it’s so easy to understand and use.
Most profiles have very little information, but hardly anyone checks the bio before swiping right or left; it’s all in the display picture. Right is for connection, and left is to ignore and move on to the next one; this is how you like or dislike the profiles on Tinder.
You get an alert if someone swipes right on your picture, and if you like them back, you can send them a message to set a date to meet or chat some more. The basic Tinder app is free. However, they do offer Tinder Plus and Tinder Gold, where you can pay an affordable price per month to take advantage of more advanced features like rewind.
Tinder is one of the best apps to find a match due to its vast database; many have found their true love on Tinder, and maybe you will be next.
3 Key Points For Impressing a Girl
If you can’t impress a girl, you might never land yourself a girlfriend. Here are some key points to get a girl to say yes.
1. Stop Looking For A Girlfriend
This one works like a charm; things happen when you stop stressing over them. So, calm down, and stop looking for a girlfriend. When you obsessively seek a girlfriend, your body goes into action mode. You try too hard and become awkward around girls; believe it or not, girls can detect desperate men even from miles away.
So, stop looking for a girl and start looking for a friend. Just relax around girls, and pretend that you aren’t interested. Your relaxed demeanor will attract girls faster than your stressed-out, trying-too-hard one.
2. Confidence
Fake it till you make it; even if you aren’t a very confident person, pretend to be one when approaching a girl. Your confidence will win her over if you guys lock eyes at a bar, park, or local gym.
Once she gives you an affirmative signal, approach her confidently, buy her a drink or ask her out for coffee if you have met at any place other than a bar or club. You can also invite her to come by your table and hang out with your friends; girls feel more comfortable in groups than single men.
3. Dress To Impress
This may sound shallow, but most girls are into looks and how men dress these days. It’s not too much to ask for anyway. Everyone likes a man who knows how to dress and put on an impressive demeanor. If you carry yourself confidently, wear impressive attire, and smell expensive, most girls would love to get to know you more. So, no matter where you are heading, always dress to impress.
Finding a girlfriend isn’t hard if you know what you are doing. Just make a note of the critical points you have read, and you will find success sooner than later.