Asking a girl you like out isn’t something many guys look forward to. Yes, they want to date that cool girl, but the actual step of asking her out that’s hard. This anxiety-filled step can be made easy if you know the right moves to make. Here are some of the smoothest steps, according to love gurus, that you can use to get your girl to say yes to a date with you.
Impress her with a proper date, your impeccable manners, and a great dine-out. She will soon say yes to becoming your exclusive. Dating doesn’t have to be hard; it needs to be fun and spontaneous. Even when the girl says no, move on; there is plenty of fish in the ocean. You will find your match sooner than later.
Check out these Few Pointers Before Making Your Move
- Do you get the feeling she likes you? Has she been making flirty moves lately? If she has sent a hint to you, you will bag a yes in no time if you ask her out.
- If you have met a girl at a bar and would like to ask her out, make eye contact first. Pass a smile and see if she smiles back. If she responds positively, only then approach her. Abort mission if she is reluctant to make eye contact with you.
- Once you approach your girl, DO NOT indulge in small talk. Be super confident and bold. You can use a pickup line, but make sure it’s not repulsive or cheesy. Choose a line that will make her laugh; if she laughs, you have yourself a date for sure.
- Gauge her interest, don’t go in blind. If you think she is interested in you by her looks, gestures, or conversations you guys have been having, approach her. Or else wait for a little longer to make your move.
1. Let Flowers Do the Talking

When words fail, use flowers. They are the purest presents, and more than 90% of females love getting flowers. However, don’t just get a cheap bouquet; put a little effort into it. Get a crystal vase and attach a card with your question on it.
Place the flowers at her desk if she works with you, or just get them delivered if you know where she lives. Make sure she knows where to contact you if she wants to say yes. Flowers will make her see that you are truly romantic and that you love to make sweet gestures to make her smile. It would be hard to say no to the beautiful flower arrangement you sent.
2. Make a Grand Gesture
Use the grand gesture plan only when you know your girl likes surprises. If she is shy and hates attention, you better skip this one.
For a grand gesture, you can play music when she enters the room and ask her out while on your knees, or get a mascot to do it at some game. There are many ways to make a grand gesture to sweep a girl off her feet.
Again, it’s pretty difficult to say no to a grand gesture, especially when the girl loves attention. So, you will most definitely get a yes if you make the extra effort.
3. Chocolates will Get a Sweet Yes
A simple box of chocolate goes a long way. If you want a hard yes, without any hesitation, use chocolates. Girls love a sweet treat, and if it comes from a boy, there is no way they will ignore it.
If you know your girl, choose the flavors she likes. If this is a stranger we are talking about, go with a variety of popular flavors that are hard to hate. You can include flowers if you like, but don’t overdo it and look desperate.
4. Use Your Pet
Is she your neighbor? A coworker or maybe your college crush? Why not use your pet to ask her out? Before you get excited about this one, try to find out if she is a dog or cat person. Or maybe she likes reptiles? Either way, you need to find out about her pet preferences before hatching a plan to ambush her with your pet.
Because if she is allergic to any animal, in particular, you might get into trouble. With all the worries aside, this is a perfectly cute plan to ask the girl of your dreams out on a date with you.
5. Propose a Plan She Won’t Be Able To Say No To
Is her favorite singer in town? Or her favorite movie is releasing? Find something that she will find hard to say no to.
Play it smart, and you will get a yes in no time. Ask her out with a plan that is hard to ignore. Make sure you know her likings beforehand. If you know her from school or work, ask her friends for an inside scoop, they will be able to help you devise your perfect plan.
6. Take Her Out By Surprise
Call her and tell her you have found this new restaurant that has great reviews, but you are reluctant to go alone. Ask her if she would like to try it out with you. Don’t make it seem like a date or like you are asking her out; keep it very casual and light.
Once you are there and having a great time, ask her if she would like to do this again sometime. This time ask her out properly, like a date. You will have a yes in the bag before the dinner is even served.
7. Message Through Her Bestie
If you guys normally hang out together and you know her friends, your way to her can be paved by her best friend. Take her best friend into confidence and try asking her out through her.
It’s easier said than done. But if you manage to convince her best friend, you will be able to get a yes from her too. You never know, maybe they have talked about you, and maybe her best friend will reveal that she also has feelings for you.
8. Send Her an Official Letter

Girls like surprises; they also like men who are quirky and think out of the box. So, take her by surprise and send her a formal proposal letter to ask her out on a date. Your humor will catch her off guard, and she will have a hard time saying no. Girls are curious beings, and she would love to see what more you have up your sleeve.
9. Catch Her Eye, Flirt, and Propose a Date
For girls, you know, and like things are different compared to total strangers, you might meet at parks, pubs, and clubs. If you are crushing on a total stranger, you need to calculate your moves before approaching her.
Picking up girls at a bar is old school. Most of the new generation now relies on dating apps like Tinder and such. However, if you aren’t keen on technology to find your best match, catch the girl’s eye you like.
Once you have made eye contact, try not to lose it. Smile or raise your glass like a toast to her. If she does the same, you have permission to approach her. Be sure to ask her out confidently and talk politely but impressively. Buy her the next drink and ask if she would like to hang with you for the rest of the night. If all goes well, your date for the weekend is set.
10. Ask her For Casual Coffee
If asking the girl for a date seems too much and too hard, why not switch to a simple coffee? Coffee is casual; there’s not much pressure as well. And you can choose my time of the day to have a cup of coffee at your favorite cafe.
It’s not much of a date than a hangout, you can’t judge her feeling better on a coffee date, and then you can ask her out for real. You will have enough confidence to ask her without hesitation by that time.
11. Be Confident; like You Know She Will Say, Yes
Girls love guys who know what they are doing. So, if you are going to ask her out, no matter what the setting is, make sure you do it with full confidence. As you already know, she will say yes.
Whether she says yes or no, that’s a completely different story, but your confidence will certainly register with her. If she does say no, casually say you had to try, she is just that pretty. This leaves a lasting impression on her that you aren’t a spoiled sport and took the rejection lightly. You never know; maybe she will ask you out a couple of days later.
12. Ask her on a Hangout Date with Friends
Do you like her, but are you too shy to ask her on a one-on-one date? Well, this is one problem many faces. However, there is a simple solution, ask her out to a group hangout. Just go up to her and say, “My friends are I going to watch this new movie? Care to join us?”
If she likes you, she will jump at the chance. Or she might say yes because she would love to hang out as friends; either way, you will get the chance to be with her and get to know her better.
13. Use her Favorite Fandom To ask Her Out
Now, this is my personal favorite; when you pay attention to girls, they love it. So, if you are going to use anything that she holds dear to her heart to ask her out, she will never say no. Find out her favorite movie, book, or drama and use that to ask her out.
You can use a card and quote to make your move, buy her tickets to her fandom movie, or buy her the book missing from her collection; it can be anything. Your gesture will make her see how much you pay attention to her. This is enough to get a yes.
14. Send Her a Card

A beautiful card with a beautiful poem and your question in a creative way isn’t that a sweet way to ask a girl out? Life had changed a lot from the old days when people used to make such efforts to sweep the girl they loved off her feet.
Today, everything happens on social media or in texts. It’s common for people to hook up or break up on text. So, let’s do things a little differently. Buy a card, sit down and write some cheese romantic words on it. Sign there with two options to your question, make boxes, and ask her to tick one like so,
- Tick YES if you want to go out with me
- Tick YES YES, if you are excited to go out with me
A cool card like this will surely set off butterflies in her stomach.
- Plan A Picnic For Her
Grand gestures, always go for grand gestures. One of the most romantic things to do for a girl is to plan a picnic for her. Go up to her and confidently say, “I am sure you aren’t like other girls who love boring restaurants, so I would like to ask you out on a picnic. Would you like to go?”
She would say yes because who would want to go out on a picnic date? It’s so filmy and romantic. Once she says yes, your true test starts. Plan the picnic to the best of your abilities and impress your dream girl to no end.
Asking out girls shouldn’t be too tricky, but it becomes hard when you are out of practice or when it’s your first time. Apply these tips and tricks when you are trying to ask a girl out, and you will get a positive answer for sure.